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Adventure #2: A hole in the bucket
A generic D20 Super hero adventure. Dedicated to Matt Keating for countless hours of Time Travel discussions and running tempanaught.
Adventure Flavor: Pulp/High Adventure /Time Travel (Think of it as an Indian Jones movie)
Dramatis persona (NPCs)
1:Dr. Hans Lear.
Real Name: Hans Lear. Age: 95. Height 54. Weight 166 lbs. Appearance: Kindly old Jewish man, everyones grandfather. Kind, noble, good hearted, willing to listen and guide others. Knows almost everything about everything. A survivor
Roll: Font of knowledge and research, aid
Stat Block
Male Human. EXP11; Male Humanoid. HD 11d6+22(Expert); HP 68; Init 0; Spd 30; AC 10; Atk +8 base melee, +8 base range. AL CG; SV Fort +5, REF +3, Will +12; STR 11, DEX 11, CON 15, INT 23, WIS 20, CHA 18.
Concentration +6, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist +5, Gather information +22, Intuit Direction +6, Knowledge (Anatomy) +20, Knowledge (Arcane)+20, Knowledge (Engineering)+10, Knowledge(History) +20, Knowledge (Literature)+20, Knowledge (Nature)+20, Knowledge(Politics) +20, Knowledge(Religion -World)+10, Knowledge (Religion Jewish)+15, Knowledge(Astronomy) +8, Knowledge(War)+8, Knowledge(Physics)+22, Listen +7, Profession( Apothecary) +6, Profession(Brewer) +6, Profession (Cartographer) +6, Profession (Cook-Kosher) +6, Profession (Engineer)+8, Profession (Herbalist)+8, Profession (Lawyer) +7, Profession (Researcher) +8, Profession (Gardener) +6, Sense Motive +8, The Occult (SpellCarft) +7, Spot +7, Wilderness Lore +5, Knowledge(Meta Human powers) +3.Weird Science +8. Trivia +2
Feats: Alertness. Iron Will. Skill Focus: Gather Information, Knowledge (Physics), Weird Science.
Powers: Long Life. (At 95 he shows no signs of slowing down.)
2:Arizona Dan: Adventurer
Real Name: Dan Swope. Age: 35. Height: 61 Weight 210. Appearance: tall, blond, good looking. Wears a leather jacket, a fedora and wields a whip. You get the idea.
Roll: Adventure and trouble magnet
Stat Block:
Arizona Dan: male Human Rog4; Medium Humanoid; HD 4d6+12; HP 27; Init +3; SPD 30; AC 16; Atk +4 base melee, +6 base ranged; +7 (masterwork whip 1d4+1). +7 (Pistol 1d6) +1 (Machete 1d6+1); AL NG; SV Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +2; STR 12, DEX 17, CON 16, INT 15, WIS 11, CHA 12.
Skills: Appraise +9, Balance +9, Bluff +2, Climb +8, Concentration +4, decipher Script +9, Diplomacy +2, Disable Device +9, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +9, Recognize Forgery +3, Gather Information +8, First Aid +1, Hide +4, Intimidate +2, Intuit Direction +9, Jump=9, Knowledge (Arts and Crafts) +3, Knowledge (Old Nooks) +1, Knowledge (Ancient texts)+1, Knowledge (Textiles)+1, Knowledge(Locksmith)+1, Knowledge (Metalworking) +1, Knowledge( Sculpture) +1, Knowledge (Tombs and ruins) +1, Knowledge (Old weapons and armor) +1, Knowledge (Weaving) +1, Listen +7, Move Silently +5, Open Lock +9, Perform +2, Ride +4, Search +3, Sense Motive +1, Spot +7, Swim +2, Swinging +4, Use rope +6, Wilderness Lore +2.
Feats: Alertness, Blind Fight, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Whip.
Knife, Masterwork Whip, Machete, Pistol 9mm. Masterwork leather jacket.
Clips for Pistol 2 (10 shots each), Backpack, 2 candles, Whisky flask, matches, 50 rope and grapple, hammer, mirror, Oil, 2 belt pouchs, Pocket telescope, Water skin, Masterwork lock picks and Thieves tools, 2 vials of snake venom
Wondrous Stone of good luck (On thong around neck). Gold Ring (Protection +1). 1 vile of Blue liquid from the Holly grail (Healing potion)
Powers: Weirdness Magnet
3:Evil Time Lost nazi scientist. Professor Grunn De Splitzonclopper
Real Name: Grunn De Splitzonclopper. Age: 45 Height 60 Weight 188. Appearance. Evil SS officer in black SS uniform with lab cote and monocle. Typical evil nazi mad scientist
Roll: Evil scientist
Stat Block:
Evil Alchemist: Male Human Adp6; Medium Humanoid; HD 6d6+12; HP 38; Init +1; Spd 30; AC 15; Atk +2 base melee, +3 base ranged . +3 (masterwork knife 1d4), +0 (Lugger 1d8) +3 (Acid flask 1d6) +3 (Phosphors grenade 1d8). AL CE; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +9: STR 10, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 16, WIS 15, CHA 14.
Alchemy +6, Concentration +5, Handle Animal +3, First Aid +5, Knowledge(Anatomy)+4.5, Knowledge (Arcane) +5, Knowledge (History) +12, Knowledge (Infernal) +6, Knowledge (religion World) +5, Knowledge (Weird Science) +6, Meditation +3, Profession (Apothecary) +3, Profession (Astrology) +3, Profession (Engineer) +3, Profession (Herbalist) +3, Occult (SpellCarft) +6, Wilderness Lore +3.
Feats: Innate Time Sense, Iron Will, Ritual magic, Scribe Scroll.
Spells: detect magic, mending, Read magic. Burning hands, Cause fear, cure light wounds, Bull Strength, Cats Grace.
Master Work Knife, Lugger 9mm, 2 Flask of Acid, 2 White phosphorus grenades. SS uniform with Chain mail shirt.
Whisky flask, Handcuffs, 3 vials of poison, 3 vials of anti-toxin, Alchemist lab.
4:Time Lost Nazi soldiers
Real names; Hans, fritz, Günter, fife, etc. Appearance: blond hair, blue eye prefect nazi boot stepper
Roll: Canon Fodder
Stat Block:
Solders: male Human War2: Medium Humanoid; HD 2d8+4: 19; Init +2; SPD 30; AC 14; Atk +5 base melee, +4 base ranged; +2 (Lugger 1d8). +6 (Masterwork knife 1d4+3). AL CE; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0: STR 17, DEX 15, CON 15, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 14.
Skills: Concentration +4.5, Intimidate +7, Ride +4, Wilderness Lore +1.5.
Toughness. Weapon Focus: Pistol-Lugger
Possessions: Clip for pistol with 20 bullets. Lugger 9mm. Masterwork Knife. Leather Armor.
Powers: Never have to make moral check while Dr: Splitinclopper is around.
5:T-Rex (cant have a time travel adventure with out a T-rex)
CR 8; Huge Beast; HD 18d10+72(Beast); HP 171; Init +1; Spd 40; AC 14; Atk +20 base melee +12 base range; +20(Bite 5d8+13) +16 (Claws 1d6+10). SA: Improved Grab (ex), Swallow Whole (ex); SQ: Scent (Ex); AL hungry; SV Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +8; STR 28, DEX 12, CON 19, INT 2, WIS 15, CHA 10
Listen +6, Search +.05, Spot +7, Wilderness Lore +3
A little background.
Many urban legends are associated with the Nazis and Hitlers supposed obsession with the occult as well as other legends that persist to this day that the Nazis had in their possession several technological devices and advances years ahead of anything we had at the time of World War 2.
Some of the more popular myths tell of the millions of dollars of stolen Jewish gold that the Nazis spent to search the globe for mystic artifacts. At one tine or another Hitler was said to have in his possession The Arc of the Covenant, A Phoenix Egg, The bones of Alexander the great, the Spear of Destiny, the body of an alien and the Holy Grail.
Urban myths and conspiracy experts speak in hushed whispers of the hidden bunkers that the Allies discovered after the end of WWII containing such technological advances as personal Jet Packs, A flying wing, Nuclear weapons, Mecha, the Super Gun and even a Time Machine.
All we do know for sure is that Hitler was obsessed with the occult and towards the end of World War 2 millions of dollars of stolen Jewish gold was funneled in to several secret projects conducted by the SS and that after the war was over Secret Bunkers were found, the contents of which have never fully been documented. With that saidOn to our story.
One of the projects that the SS were investing in it at the end of the war was Time Travel and teleportation. Most of these experiments met with disaster but one showed promise. A theory proposed by one Professor Grunn De Splitzonclopper was that if you could create an area of gravity that was so intense, you could literally cause a rip in the fabric of space/time. A wormhole so to speak.
In a hidden bunker in South America (Because these types of adventures always take place in South America) Splitzonclopper set up his lab and began his experiments. Using super powerful magnets and a primitive liner accelerator, the mad doctor proposed to create a zone of such intense gravity that it would in fact create a Wormhole.
After the war Splitzonclopper was never herd from again, his final fate unknown. That is until now.
Arizona Dan, world renowned adventuring archeologist and treasure hunter had sceen his fair share of strange and wondrous things. From the holy grail to an Inca luck stone. He had done it all and never turned down a contract. So when his assistant uncovered records detailing a hidden Bunker in the South American jungle Dan packed up and headed off. The idea of Nazi gold and other artifacts that had remained untouched since WWII was just the kind of thing Dan lived for.
Before departing for South America Dan consulted with noted historian and researcher Dr Hans Lear. Lear who had been alive during the War was a seemingly endless font of knowledge on all things, and Dan hoped Leer might provide him with some insight on the contents of the Bunker.
Upon going over what Dan had found so far, leer begged Dan to reconsider his quest. He feared that this bunker might contain things that were better left undisturbed. Whispers of Nazi experiments in the occult and other forbidden things were associated with this particular bunker and Leer warned Dan against entering it.
Of Course Arizona Dan was made of sterner Stuff that that and headed off to South America anyways.
After many misadventures Arizona Dan at last arrived at the location of the hidden Bunker. He was the first living being to enter it since the end of World War 2, who knew what Dan might find.
That was Two weeks ago.
The Hook: Getting the PCs involved.
1: If the Characters are members of an established Super hero team they will be approached by Dr. Hans Lear with his concerns about the safety of Arizona Dan and his fears of what Dan may have released from the Bunker. If pressed for information Leer will inform the heroes that he believes this bucker may have been used for nazi experiments in the occult, leer fears that something man was not meant to know may be in the bunker. He begs the characters to investigate, offering to even accompany them if they wish.
2: The characters may have had some contact with Arizona Dan in the past. Perhaps one of the PCs knows or is related to Dan. That character receives a package telling them to open it if they havent herd from Dan in longer then two weeks (Which they havent).
The package contains copies of all Dan's notes and maps to the Bunker. Underlined in the notes are references to thousands of dollars worth of stolen gold that might be in the bunker as well as technological advances and the work of a German scientist named Grunn De Splitzonclopper. The notes end with the very ominous If youre reading this, something has happened to me. Go see Dr. Lear, he knows everything then come rescue me, or if Im dead. Avenge me. Dan
3: If one or more of the heroes have any of the following powers they will sense a disturbance in the earths gravitational field coming from South America.
Gravity Powers, magnetic Powers, Vibratory powers, Geo Thermal powers, Earth powers, Plant powers, mystical senses, stuff like that.
In their dreams they will feel the earth screaming and get visions of what seems to be a rip in the fabric of space.
They will be overcome with a powerful need to go to South America and investigate the source of this feeling.
The Line; Setting up the action.
The characters will have to deal with passports, shots and a government that does not like Super humans before they arrive in the jungles of South America. Characters will receive a -4 to any gather information rolls while dealing with the Brazil authorities as Meta Humans are not well received in South America. Characters with Low Charisma scores or visible physical mutations (Wings, fur) may even find them selves the victim of public ridicule and scorn.
No mater what powers/skills or method of transportation are used it will still take the characters 48 hours to arrive at the bunker. This is due simply to the sheer vastness of the Jungle.
The bunker is set in to the wall of a granite cliff in a small, secluded valley. It is fed by a stream that cascades down the side of the cliff, enters the bunker and then exits the opposite side. The whole area is surrounded by foliage and the area is knee deep in thick grass. The front door to the Bunker is ½ ways open (SPOT ROLL DC 17 to notice movement inside)
Upon arriving at the bunker the characters will notice a few odd things. First there is no wild life of any kind in the area, not even insects. Second the characters will notice a strange sensation as they get closer to the Bunker; they seem to be getting heavier. Almost as if the gravity is stronger in the bunker then it is outside. The closer they get to the center of the bunker the stronger the pull will be. Characters with low strengths may find it impossible to move after getting about ½ ways in the bunker.
Upon entering the front doors of the bunker the characters will encounter Two armed nazi guards who are as about as surprised to see costumed super humans as the characters are to see Nazis. Still they have their orders and after a moments hesitation they will order the characters to stand down and surrender (In German of course). If no one in the party speaks German the guards will point their luggers at the characters and then point at the ground all the while yelling Shnell, Shnell. If the characters fail to surrender to them they will open fire at the characters (Roll inchative)
** It should be noted that the guards are not affected by the gravity well, they have had over 50 years to adjust to it after all***
The gunshots will alarm the rest of the Bunker and additional guards will arrive in 1d6 rounds armed with Machine Guns.
The sinker: The adventure unfolds.
The interior of the bunker is a fairly simple affair as 80% of the space is dedicated to the machinery needed to power the Gravity Well. Whats left over serves as housing for the Nazis and the GM may fill these areas as he sees fit.
In the center of the Bunker is the main lab where Splitzonclopper and the Gravity Well await.
When Splitzonclopper created the Wormhole he locked himself and the entire bunker in that exact moment in time, in stasis so to speak. The Wormhole then powered itself down to 10%, becoming nothing more then the Gravity Well it is now.
When Arizona Dan entered the Bunker two weeks ago he Broke the bubble and time began to flow as normal again inside the bunker. The occupants came out of stasis.
During the past two weeks Splitzonclopper and his staff have been reorienting themselves to when and where they are and Splitzonclopper has begun the process to reactivate the wormhole at full power.
Once Splitzonclopper deduced just how much time had past since the end of World War 2 he realized he only had two options. Use the wormhole to return to back to the time of World War 2 or use the Worm Hole to bring the nazi forces into our time.
He chose door #2 and is now working to power up the wormhole and use it to bring the entire might of the Nazis into our time.
After capturing and torturing Arizona Dan, they threw him into one of the cells in the bunker. The characters will find him if they state they are looking for Dan and then make a Search/Spot check at DC20 (All the doors look alike)
*** As the character approach the main lab and the Gravity Well, the gravity in the Bunker has been increasing as they get closer to the well. To avoid messy formulas and stuff lets just say that for every 20 feet the characters move the gravity is equal to carrying an extra 50LBS. It is 250 feet from the front door to the entrance to the main lab which = (250/20) =12.5. (12.5 X50)=625 pounds of encumbrance that the characters will have to deal with. To make matters worse the Nazis are not affected by this as they have been exposed to the gravity for so long. Refer to the encumbrance rules in the Players Hand Book. Characters with out Super Strength or other ways to compensate for this increase in pressure will find movement and other actions almost impossible, if the pressure is beyond their total encumbrance level they will literally be unable to move. Fun no? ****
The main lab looks like something out of a bad 1950s science fiction film. Cathode tubes and thick wires and tesla coils are everywhere and the floor has several stainless steel work benches each covered with bits and pieces of electronic and mechanical gear from 60 years ago.
In the center of the room are four large magnets set up in a simple square design. One magnet on the floor, one on the ceiling and one on each end. Very much like a primitive star gate. The magnets are creating the gravity well that effects the entire complex, the gravity in the room is = to 625 ponds of encumbrance and the gravity inside the well itself is several thousand times what it should be. The hopes of the good doctor were to create an area of such intense gravity that it would literally rip a hole in the very fabric of reality, creating a wormhole. Dr Splitzonclopper was just about ready to finish his experiments when something went wrong and placed his entire bunker into stasis, this stasis bubble was broken when Arizona Dan entered the bunker two weeks ago. Dr. Splitzonclopper has spent the last two weeks redesigning the well and adjusting to his current circumstances. He now plans to activate the well and use it to march in several thousand troops from his home time.
As the characters enter the Lab, the good doctor is just about ready to set things in motion. Several Guards are stationed about the chamber and the Good doctor stands in the center, as the characters enter the good doctor confidently steps towards the switch as the guards level their machine guns and rifles at the party
Ahh zee so called heroes of the day, vell I am afraid you are too late to save it. The day that is. HA HA! You see heroes I throw this switch and the Third Rich lives again
And with that
*** Combat: The Guards. The guards just shoot their guns at anything that moves or use their knifes in HTH combat. Remember these guys may just be grunts but they are still elite trained nazi soldiers.
**** Combat. Dr. Splitzonclopper. The good doctor will throw the switch activating the wormhole and then he will start throwing spells at the characters or using his gun. Depending on the apparent strength of his opponent at the time.
The room lights up as the gate activates, the gravity in the room increases to several thousand PSI and then there is a horrible whooshing noise as the fabric of reality is ripped open inside the devise and a worm hole is created. Like something out of a video game, inside the well is just a zone of spiraling collars and motes of light that hurt the eye to look at. Gravity slowly reverts to normal and then something starts to emerge from the rip.
Dr. Splitzonclopper runs to the hole and starts to yell
Behold, behold the glory of the return of the third Reich!
Those are his last words as a very large lizard head come out of the rip and eats him.
A full size Tyrannosaurs rex exits the rip, looks around and then begins to methodically chase after anything that moves in the room.
Final thoughts
Well other then their is Now a T-rex rampaging about South America, all in all, everything worked out. You have rescued Arizona Dan who is now in your debt and uncovered a storehouse of stolen nazi goods and technology as well as a working (Sort of) wormhole, as well as several out of time nazis guards that need to be dealt with. All of which is on Brazilin soil and therefore the property of the government of Brazil.
The characters will soon find themselves in the center of the political turmoil that this discovery will bring about, though their main concern should be the T-Rex I would think, who is happily chomping his way through the rain forest.
The German government will claim the technology in the bunker is theirs, the brazilin government will claim that it is theirs as its on their soil and the UN will want it to be taken into their custody for the good of all involved. Several Jewish organizations will want to take a look at any art work, gold and jewels found in the bunker to see if it belongs to any of the families who had their property stolen from them during the time of the holocaust. The world scientific community will want first crack at the wormhole as even by todays standards its a pretty amazing discovery. Several super powered villains will also be interested in the possibilities of a working wormhole and a small army of highly trained, totally loyal nazi guards.
Then there is that T-rex thing again.
Needles to say this adventure could act as a spring board to several other adventures and the characters will have made several new contacts, friends and enemies. |
Facts about Brazil.
Following three centuries under the rule of Portugal, Brazil became an independent nation in 1822. By far the largest and most populous country in South America, Brazil has overcome more than half a century of military intervention in the governance of the country to pursue industrial and agricultural growth and development of the interior. Exploiting vast natural resources and a large labor pool, Brazil became Latin America's leading economic power by the 1970s. Highly unequal income distribution remains a pressing problem. |
Location: |
Eastern South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean |
Geographic coordinates: |
10 00 S, 55 00 W |
Map references: |
South America |
Area: |
total: 8,511,965 sq km
land: 8,456,510 sq km
water: 55,455 sq km
note: includes Arquipelago de Fernando de Noronha, Atoll das Rocas, Ilha da Trinidad, Ilhas Martin Vaz, and Penedos de Sao Pedro e Sao Paulo |
Area - comparative: |
slightly smaller than the US |
Land boundaries: |
total: 14,691 km
border countries: Argentina 1,224 km, Bolivia 3,400 km, Colombia 1,643 km, French Guiana 673 km, Guyana 1,119 km, Paraguay 1,290 km, Peru 1,560 km, Suriname 597 km, Uruguay 985 km, Venezuela 2,200 km |
Maritime claims: |
contiguous zone: 24 NM
continental shelf: 200 NM
exclusive economic zone: 200 NM
territorial sea: 12 NM |
Climate: |
mostly tropical, but temperate in south |
Terrain: |
mostly flat to rolling lowlands in north; some plains, hills, mountains, and narrow coastal belt |
Elevation extremes: |
lowest point: Atlantic Ocean 0 m
highest point: Pico da Neblina 3,014 m |
Natural resources: |
bauxite, gold, iron ore, manganese, nickel, phosphates, platinum, tin, uranium, petroleum, hydropower, timber |
Land use: |
Arable land: 5%
permanent crops: 1%
permanent pastures: 22%
forests and woodland: 58%
other: 14% (1993 est.) |
Irrigated land: |
28,000 sq km (1993 est.) |
Natural hazards: |
recurring droughts in northeast; floods and occasional frost in south |
Environment - current issues: |
deforestation in Amazon Basin destroys the habitat and endangers the existence of a multitude of plant and animal species indigenous to the area; air and water pollution in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and several other large cities; land degradation and water pollution caused by improper mining activities
note: President CARDOSO in September 1999 signed into force an environmental crime bill which for the first time defines pollution and deforestation as crimes punishable by stiff fines and jail sentences |
Environment - international agreements: |
party to: Antarctic-Environmental Protocol, Antarctic-Marine Living Resources, Antarctic Seals, Antarctic Treaty, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Endangered Species, Environmental Modification, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Marine Dumping, Nuclear Test Ban, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Tropical Timber 83, Tropical Timber 94, Wetlands, Whaling
signed, but not ratified: Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol |
Geography - note: |
largest country in South America; shares common boundaries with every South American country except Chile and Ecuador |
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