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The origin of the Super Nature

* Siberia: June 30th 1908.

A mysterious explosion rocks the Siberian countryside, the shock waves are felt over 120K away and the zone of devastation stretched as far as 30K. Many early investigators agreed that the explosion was caused by a comet or meteor exploding in the atmosphere. As time passes other researchers begin to feel that the explosion was caused by a particle of anti matter or miniature black hole detonating in our atmosphere. To this day the actual truth of the event is still speculated. While many scientist cling to the belief that the explosion was caused by a meteor, others still believe the Miniature Black hole theory.

Some believe that the events leading to the creation of a miniature black hole could be recreated in a controlled lab environment. Though no one knows quite how.


* Archimedes Linear Accelerator Project. Jully 15th 1992.

Acting under a combined grant from the Atomic Energy Commission and privet industry. Dr. Lyle Angstrom begins to conduct experiments at the Archimedes Liner Escalator in Guam. While the experiment is originally slated to explore the energy potential in Electrons and Protons, a slight miscalculation in the energy containment grid leads to a devastating but intersecting development.

Although the resulting explosion led to the destruction of the Archimedes complex and the deaths of all involved. Viewing of the tapes by an AEC committee investigating the experiment relieved an astounding discovery.

The event that led to the destruction was not a nuclear explosion but in fact the creation of a Miniature Black hole in the Liner accelerator for 5.7 seconds.


* Pantheon Alternate Energy Project. An experiment to create a miniature Black Hole. October 27th 2002

After years of Research. The Atomic Energy Commission decides to attempt to recreate the events that led to the creation of the miniature black hole at the Archimedes project. It is surmised that if a miniature black hole could be created and controlled it would yield an almost limitless clean energy supply for the United States and eventually the world.

The project is led by Dr. Paul Adrian (A structural engineer) and Dr. Susan Angstrom (The daughter of Dr. Lyle Angstrom and a brilliant physicist).

A reinforced liner accelerator is built in Nevada with an experimental electronic force field in the containment grid. Every possible security measure is taken and the model is run in mock up for 2 years straight before the experiment is even attempted.

Yet something goes wrong.

The experiment to create the miniature black hole was a complete success, yet the amount of heat and energy given off by the black hole was far greater then any one could have imagined and within moments the black hole had destroyed the containment unit and was slowly engulfing the facilities and its crew.

If something wasnt done it could have meant the destruction of the entire earth. A deadly gambit was attempted to detonate the energy within the black hole, causing it to implode upon itself.

It was mostly a success. The resulting blast radius from the implosion destroyed everything in a Two mile radius. The shock wave was felt as far as Portland and the damage totaled in the millions. Only two people walked away from ground Zero. Dr. Adrian and Dr. Angstrom, but the world was saved and all was well.


The First: October 27th 2002 1:45 PM

Ken Tyler had lost the use of his legs in High School at the hands of a Drunk Driver. This did not stop him from graduating college with a degree in business and getting a Job at one of Las Vegass many Casinos.

Ken was on his way to work when the shock wave from the Pantheon disaster hit Las Vegas with an amount of force equal to an 8.2 Earth Quake.

Ken was blown out of his chair and across the street, he watched in stunned silence as glass exploded everywhere. Streets burst into flames and hundreds of people were bounced around like billiard balls in the Shock Wave.

After the initial shock and confusion as the Shock Wave passed, Ken saw from his vantage point that the disaster had caused untold damage to the city and even as he watched. People were in danger. Fire and smoke was everywhere, explosions rocked the city. The fallout from all the glass was devastating. With out thinking about it, Ken got up and began to help.

It was only moments after pulling a stranger out of some rubble that Ken realized what he was doing. He was walking !